Solidarity in the migration society: Equal rights for all.
10 November 2022, 14:30 – 19:00 in the Steinhaus, Steinstraße 37 in Bautzen
The venue is wheelchair accessible. If you have any questions about other aspects of accessibility, please contact us.
Participation in the event is free of charge. In justified cases, travel costs can be covered by the organisers. Please let us know in the registration form (at the bottom of this page).
14:30 Opening and welcome address
Hamida Taamiri, Coordinator of KOMMIT (Committee of Migrant Self-Organisations in the District of Bautzen)
14:40 Introduction „Struggles for Asylum in Germany: A Review of the Last 40 Years“
The right to asylum has been at the centre of debates on migration in Germany since the 1980s at the latest, due to its historical significance and symbolic power. Racist political-media discussions are usually opposed by committed civil society actors – such as self-organised migrant organisations that draw attention to the concerns of various communities affected by restrictive and discriminatory migration and asylum policies. A review of the last 40 years will show how the problematic situations of migration, asylum and racism as well as responses to them have changed and what we can learn from them today.
Dr. Tanita Jill Pöggel, German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM e.V.)
15:15 Panel discussion „Equal rights, equal opportunities, equal treatment? Experiences of migrated people in Saxony – similarities and differences“.
People who migrated to Saxony at different times
Carolin Helmecke (specialist lawyer for migration law)
Moderation: Rudaba Badakhshi, Leipzig (regional coordinator at DaMigra)
16:30 – 17:00 Break and Networking
Snacks and drinks will be provided
17:00 Workshops
WS 1: Needs and problems of migrant communities
Workshop for people with their own migration history
Paolo Le van and Devika Herrmann (Dachverband sächsischer Migrant*innenorganisationen e.V.)
As the umbrella organisation of migrant organisations in Saxony (DSM), we support not only our members, but all migrants and migrant organisations in Saxony. We want to talk about the problems and issues that migrant communities in East Saxony are facing. We want to discuss solutions and build sustainable support networks. It doesn’t matter whether it’s questions of self-organisation, problems with the administration, applying for projects or larger issues. What cannot be discussed and solved locally we will take to the next level.
WS 2: Cooperation between „old“ and „new“ migrants
Workshop for people with their own migration history
Ely Almeida, Alexis Vidal Cabezas (LAG pokuBi Sachsen e.V.)
What can you expect in this space?
A constructive discussion of the different perspectives, the acceptance of „being different“ and a constructive approach to differences.
„Cooperation works best when each group/team member is valued and feels part of the group. This requires a benevolent atmosphere and appreciation of everyone involved. In this space you will have the opportunity to get to know each other, share your thoughts, formulate goals of cooperation and discuss ways you want to go together.”
Ely Almeida: Black, (pronoun: she): Is a trainer and staff member of LAG pokuBi Saxony.
Alexis Vidal Cabezas: Woman of colour, in Germany for 13 years. Trainer and staff member of LAG pokuBi Sachsen e.V.
WS 3: Scope for politics, administration and majority society to work for equal rights
Moderation: Hasina Amirat, Dave Schmidtke (Saxon Refugee Council e.V. [registered association])
In the workshop, currently existing structures for political participation for refugees in Saxony will be presented and their mechanisms of action compared. There are state-wide and local institutions in the form of migration and integration advisory councils, which have already been able to demonstrate the first successes of migrant participation in political processes. In addition, we want to make clear that the administrations in Saxony act in very different ways and show in which regions scope for migrants is already being used and where this is not happening.
Hasina Amirat, counsellor for people in the asylum procedure in the ACT project of the Saxon Refugee Council and member of the State Advisory Council for Integration.
Dave Schmidtke, Press and Public Relations/Politics and Networking Officer at the Saxon Refugee Council.
18:30 Outlook and conclusion
19:00 End
Overall moderator: Rudaba Badakhshi, Leipzig (regional coordinator at DaMigra)
Note: Before and after the event there is the possibility to visit the exhibition „Weiß-Schwarz REBOOT“ of the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. (ENS) [Saxony Development Policy Network registered association] at the venue.
Funding information
This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.
Cooperation partners
Uhr Eröffnung und Begrüßung
Hamida Taamiri, Koordinatorin von KOMMIT (Komitee von Migrantenselbstorganisationen im LK Bautzen)
14:40 Uhr Einführung „Kämpfe um Asyl in Deutschland: Ein Rückblick auf die letzten 40 Jahre“
Ein Rückblick auf die letzten 40 Jahre soll zeigen, wie sich die Problemlagen von Migration, Asyl und Rassismus sowie Antworten darauf verändert haben und was wir heute von diesen lernen können.
Dr. Tanita Jill Pöggel, Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM e.V.)
15:15 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion „Gleiche Rechte, gleiche Chancen, Gleichbehandlung? Erfahrungen migrierter Menschen in Sachsen – Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede“
zu verschiedenen Zeiten nach Sachsen migrierte Menschen
Carolin Helmecke (Fachanwält*in für Migrationsrecht)
Moderation: Rudaba Badakhshi, Leipzig (Regionalkoordinatorin bei DaMigra)
16:30 – 17 Uhr Pause und Vernetzung
Buffet und Getränke werden bereitgestellt
17 Uhr Workshops
WS 1: Bedarfe und Problemlagen von migrantischen Communities
Paolo Le van, n.n. (Dachverband sächsischer Migrant*innenorganisationen e.V.)
WS 2: Zusammenarbeit zwischen „alten“ und „neuen“ Migrant*innen
Ely Almeida, Alexis Cabeza (LAG pokuBi Sachsen e.V.)
WS 3: Spielräume von Politik, Verwaltung und Mehrheitsgesellschaft für Gleichberechtigung zu wirken
Hasina Amirat, Dave Schmidtke (Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V.)
18:30 Ausblick und Abschluss
19:00 Ende
Gesamtmoderation: Rudaba Badakhshi, Leipzig (Regionalkoordinatorin bei DaMigra)
Tipp: Am Veranstaltungsort kann die Ausstellung „Weiß-Schwarz REBOOT“ des Entwicklungspolitischen Netzwerkes Sachsen e.V. (ENS) besucht werden.